Sugar is not your enemy, it is actually the bacteria which eats the sugar and poop in your mouth. These bacteria poop (endotoxin) can be very inflammatory and become a major deterrent to your healing. Since working in collaboration with a Biological Dentist, we have found that nearly every individual has some degree of pathogenic bacteria and/or parasites. 

One of the easiest ways to maintain teeth health is by using one pinch of xylitol after each meal you eat and swishing it around your mouth with a sip of water. This is easiest to do after you take your supplements. The reason for this is that maintaining alkaline saliva and oral pH helps your teeth stay mineralised and healthy while preventing acid producing bacteria from decaying your teeth. 

The health of your teeth depends on a simple equation; the length of time your teeth have been damaged by acidity vs. the length of time they have been repaired by the alkaline liquids and saliva in your mouth.

By adding just a pinch of xylitol after each meal and after every beverage you drink throughout the day, you can begin to regenerate your teeth by maintaining oral alkalinity. It is also helpful to use xylitol just before going to bed to ensure your oral pH is alkaline while you are sleeping. It is good dental hygiene to floss or toothpick any food caught between teeth after eating.

Before beginning the both of the Oral Care Protocols, we recommend using a tongue scraper to cleanse the tongue of bacteria which is not beneficial to your overall health. One should tongue scrape minimally in the morning upon waking and just before bed, and ideally, after each meal.  

Always avoid toothpaste that contains fluoride. This is not needed and can antagonise the nutrient minerals on your program, such as iodine. The remainder of the protocol for maintaining oral health consists of two protocols. 

While incorporating the two protocols, it is ideal to include a probiotic lozenge to revitalise the commensal bacteria of the mouth.

Please see the instructions for diluting Hydrogen Peroxide and making a Salt/Bicarb Mixture at the bottom of this section.

WARNING: It is important not to dip your tooth brush directly into the large containers of hydrogen peroxide or the salt/bicarb mixture to avoid contamination of the contents. Put them into small containers first before dipping anything into them. 

Protocol 1

This protocol is to be done once daily, up to twice daily, morning and night, when there is additional support needed. It is antiseptic, antiplaque. It helps kill off anaerobic motile bacteria. 

  1. Floss your teeth.

  2. Pour a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide dilution into a small container, such as a shot glass. This helps prevent contamination of the products because you are not dipping your toothbrush directly into the bottle. 

  3. Dip your toothbrush into the shot glass and brush your teeth at a 45° angle. Applying firm pressure and using a circular wriggle motion, then flick the brush from the gum lines over the biting surface of the tooth. 

  4. Swish your mouth with the remaining Hydrogen Peroxide Dilution and spit it out. Do not rinse with water. 

Protocol 2

This protocol is used for tissue conditioning and can be done immediately after Protocol 1. This protocol is not meant to be used daily long-term. It can however, be used weekly.

  1. Place 1–2 teaspoons of Salt and Bicarb Mixture into the palm of your hand or a small container if it is easier. 

  2. Dip your finger into the mixture that is in a small container. Pack the powder generously around the gum lines and in between all teeth. Start on top to prevent excess saliva pooling. 

  3. Spit out the excess saliva as required, but leave the residue in your mouth for as long as possible. 

Try to avoid eating or drinking for 20 minutes after this protocol. 

Preparation instructions for Hydrogen Peroxide and Salt/Bicarb Mixture. 

Hydrogen Peroxide 1%


  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.


  • To dilute 3% to 1%, mix 2 parts water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Prepare this at the time of use in a small container. Do not prepare in advance.

Note: The strength of hydrogen peroxide decreases over time after the bottle is initially opened. It is recommended to buy a large bottle only if you are going through the small bottles too quickly. This ensures strength does not decline. 

Salt and Bicarb Mixture 


  • Baking Soda

  • Fine Sea Salt


Thoroughly blitz 6 parts baking soda with 1-part fine sea salt in a blender for one minute. Add this mixture to a clean container. 


Boron Concentrate


Nutrient-Toxic Metal Antagonisms