Time to Heal: Posology

The response time to a Mineral Balancing Program can vary significantly from person to person, with some individuals experiencing immediate relief of symptoms with a "quick-fix" nutritional solution in as little as ten minutes, while others may require a more extensive nutrition program spanning over five years or more. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the various limiting factors that can impact how well a person responds to a properly designed nutrition program and their overall vitality.

Posology is the process of determining the appropriate dosage for a client based on their vitality. Clients with good vitality can usually handle more aggressive regimens, including higher doses of remedies, exercise, and detoxification. For those with moderate vitality, milder doses of supplements are used to strengthen their vitality and prevent relapses. Clients with weakened vitality are best administered gentle relief of symptoms and the mildest of programs to support affected systems using toning, building, and adaptogenic remedies.

However, these general guidelines for dosages and range of remedies are modified by various factors, including the pace, intensity, location, and natural history of a person’s health condition. The pace of the symptoms can impact the dosage and range of remedies required, with slow and sluggish symptoms requiring different approaches than those with rapid onset. The intensity of symptoms can also impact the required dosage, with more aggressive symptoms often requiring a higher dose of remedies.

The location of the health condition may also impact the posology, as symptoms in more sensitive areas such as the eyes may require a different dosage than those in less sensitive areas such as the heel of the foot. Finally, the natural history of the illness may also impact the dosage required, with different dosages being needed during the onset, middle, and resolution of the illness. Let’s jump into a number of limiting factors that affect how a person responds to a Mineral Balancing Program.

Biochemical Energy

The healing process requires a significant amount of energy from the body, and this energy can be impeded by toxic substances in the body that need to be removed. Additionally, proper absorption and utilization of nutrients, glucose, and hormones are also essential for effective healing. Individuals who respond rapidly to a Mineral Balancing Program usually have an intact energy system, or may be lacking just one nutrient or factor. In such cases, supplying that specific factor can lead to a strong response and healing.

However, individuals with a further imbalanced or damaged energy system experience slower healing processes, and are often referred to as being in a state of "burnout." For these individuals, rebuilding the energy system is critical to achieving healing. In addition to supplement programs, a healthy lifestyle is also important in conserving and freeing up energy for the healing process. The more energy made available for healing, the more rapid the progress.

It is worth noting that a healthy lifestyle involves various factors such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and adequate rest. By adopting healthy habits, individuals can increase their energy levels, thus supporting the healing process. On the other hand, an unhealthy lifestyle can deplete the body's energy reserves, leading to slower healing and an increased risk of further health complications.

The healing process is highly dependent on the body's energy system, which can be impeded by various factors such as toxic substances and imbalanced nutrient absorption. Individuals with a damaged energy system require a more extensive healing program that focuses on rebuilding the energy system. Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help conserve and free up energy for healing, resulting in more rapid progress.

Layers of Compensation and Adaptation

The human body has a remarkable ability to adapt and compensate in order to maintain overall health and well-being. When a person becomes ill, various organs, glands, and even minerals can compensate for one another in an effort to maintain optimal function. For instance, if the kidneys become weakened, the liver or skin may take over some of their elimination functions. Similarly, if a person is deficient in zinc, cadmium or copper can substitute zinc in some of the enzyme binding sites. This process of compensation or adaptation is a basic survival mechanism of the body.

However, true and permanent healing requires unravelling layers of compensations and adaptations. This can be a time-consuming process and often involves passing through a series of retracing or healing reactions as the body readjusts. The extent of these adaptations and compensations can vary significantly from person to person. If a person responds quickly, it may indicate that they did not have many layers of adaptation to unravel. However, many people have layer upon layer of adaptations to uncover, which can significantly extend the time required to become well.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses can reveal the layers of adaptations by the changes that occur on successive tests. For example, a first test may not reveal mercury toxicity, but after a year or more on a Mineral Balancing program, the mercury level may begin to increase. This suggests that mercury was always present, but the body had not yet started to eliminate it previously, as other adaptations had to be retraced and resolved first.

Moreover, a first mineral analysis may reveal fast oxidation, which is often an adaptation to overwhelming stress. As stress is reduced, the next test may reveal slow oxidation, another type of adaptation. As nutritional stress continues to be reduced, a third or fourth test may reveal a balanced pattern. Overall, it is important to understand that healing is a complex process, and identifying and addressing layers of adaptations is a crucial component of the process.

Generational Factors

The concept of generational healing is based on hair analysis research, which indicates that many of our health issues arise from nutritional imbalances and other conditions that we can inherit at birth.

Although this concept may seem unusual at first, it is sometimes necessary to correct nutritional imbalances that have persisted for two or three generations. This can be a challenging process because our bodies and personalities may have developed around these inherent imbalances.

For instance, people who are born with high copper and low zinc levels may have experienced irritability and nervousness since childhood, leading them to believe that these traits are just a part of their natural personality. As they undergo Mineral Balancing to correct their chemistry, they may need to adjust their self-image and identity to reflect the changes in their chemistry, which are no longer determined by their abnormal chemistry. This can create profound effects on personal, and perhaps even development.

Scientific Limitations

It is important to acknowledge that there are limits to what science can currently tell us about biochemistry and nutrition. Even the most knowledgeable experts in these fields cannot claim to have all the answers. While Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can offer valuable insights into the body's chemistry and help guide corrective measures, it is not a panacea for all health issues.

Nutrition, as a research science, is constantly evolving, and there may be occasions when adjustments need to be made to existing nutrition programs. Such adjustments can affect the speed at which the body can heal, and it is crucial to be patient and open-minded in such situations.

It is also worth noting that nutrition is a highly individualized field, and what works for one person may not work for another. Genetic and environmental factors can influence how a person's body responds to certain foods and supplements. Therefore, it is essential to approach nutrition with a personalized and holistic perspective, taking into account a person's unique biochemistry, lifestyle, and health history.

In summary, while science can offer valuable insights into biochemistry and nutrition, it is not an infallible source of knowledge. Nutrition and Naturopathy is a dynamic field that requires ongoing research and individualized approaches. As we continue to learn more about the complex interactions between our bodies and the food we eat, it is essential to approach nutrition with humility, openness, and a willingness to adapt as new information emerges.

Healing and Wholism

While nutrition and Mineral Balancing is undoubtedly crucial element in maintaining good health, it is important to recognize that there are other factors that also play a vital role. These include diet, lifestyle, environmental toxins, stress, infections, and structural imbalances. Other subtle factors, such as electrical imbalances, inherited weaknesses, and spiritual and emotional factors, can also impact a person's overall health and well-being.

It is crucial to take all of these factors into account when seeking to promote healing and achieve optimal health. However, some of these factors can be difficult to assess, which may require additional testing or therapies beyond nutrition. This may involve exploring other alternative and complementary therapies that address the different dimensions of health, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, or chiropractic care.

Taking a holistic approach to healing is often the most effective approach. This involves recognizing that the body is a complex and interconnected system and that any issues in one area of the body can impact other areas as well. By addressing all the factors that contribute to a person's health, it is possible to promote a greater sense of balance and well-being.

Ultimately, the goal of healing is not simply to alleviate symptoms but to promote overall wellness and a sense of vitality. By taking a comprehensive and integrated approach to health and well-being, individuals can achieve greater resilience, vitality, and a higher quality of life.


The response time to a Mineral Balancing Program varies significantly from person to person, and various factors impact how well a person responds to a properly designed nutrition program. Posology determines the appropriate dosage for a client based on their vitality, with different factors modifying the guidelines and ranges for dosages required. Healing is highly dependent on the body's energy system, which can be impeded by toxic substances and imbalanced nutrient absorption. The process of compensation or adaptation is a basic survival mechanism of the body that requires unravelling layers of compensation and adaptations for true and permanent healing. Generational factors also impact the healing process, and correcting nutritional imbalances that have persisted for two or three generations can be a challenging process.


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